  • The understanding of the success of our products is based on their track record, the many personal experiences reported to us and also the trials and evaluations that we have conducted ourselves.
  • Our privately managed trials showed a 97% reduction in skin tears
  • The recent evaluations were completely successful and the results will be published soon on this website and in medical magazines.
  • We have now sold over 2000 pairs of our products and have never had a single complaint that they have failed to provide protection following an impact.
  • We are constantly receiving reports of how the Socks & Sleeves have prevented any skin damage.
  • In the UK all medicines and medical devices have to be registered with the MHRA. Our products are, this covers their safety.
  • All medical devices that can be prescribed must be listed on the drugs tariff which only happens after extensive clinical trials.
  • Our products are NOT free on prescription, no one should assume that this will happen soon, it is not worth waiting to see if they become prescribable, if you want protection you should buy them now.
  • There is another range of medical products that are known as ‘over-the-counter’ which can be bought without a prescription. Often their success is known as a result of long-standing successful use.
  • Our products are “over-the-counter”.
  • Don’t let skin tears restrict your life!   Call us if you have any doubts: 01395 548199, 07836 212713
  • Price is £30 per pair + VAT (in EU only) + shipment, cost is given on Useful Information
  • Shop Now