DERMATUff Thin Skin Protection Socks & Sleeves are NOT available for prescription charge / FP10 only.
How do we know that they really work? What further proof are we adding?
Doctors and Nurses call us quite frequently about sufferers from thin fragile skin / skin tears to ask whether DERMATUff thin Skin protection Socks and Thin Skin Protection Arm Protectors are available “on prescription” / FP 10. Unfortunately they are NOT. You cannot go to your GP and ask for a pair Thin Skin protectors on the NHS.
If you suffer from fragile skin tears and want to help prevent skin tears the only real alternative is to buy the product yourself from our online shop or have a relative or friend buy it for you. Some people have found that there is a local charity working with the District Nurses who will buy the thin skin protectors for sufferers.
Like any responsible Medical Device Manufacturer / Supplier we are keen for our products to become available as a prescription. This would enable the millions of sufferers from thin skin and fragile skin to be protected in most cases free of charge and us to get much more business. We will always maintain an ongoing effort but those who need this protection could have to wait a long time for it to be on prescription.
It should be available free to those who need it on the NHS Supply Chain. This is a business which can supply NHS organisations such as Tissue Viability Clinics who have registered with the Supply Chain. However each NHS organisation must have a budget which they frequently do not have. It is also true that the registration of our products with the Supply Chain is far from satisfactory therefore it is difficult for NHS users to acquire our products from it.
We are trying our utmost to get this put right but nobody should have any expectation that it will be available from the NHS Supply Chain in the near future. It’s worth asking at Tissue Viability Clinics, Minor Injury Unit’s and Hospitals though.
Those who have a VAT exemption certificate or are disabled in some way do not have to pay VAT.
Don’t let skin tears restrict your life, use DERMATUff
For further information on our elderly skin protectors, read our Useful Information page. Or call us on 01752 265416.