Occasionally, we receive our products from the manufacturer with minor faults which means we cannot sell them as new. Rather than them go to waste, we have decided to sell them as factory seconds at a reduced price for our customers.This may be useful if you have not tried our products before and want to see for yourself whether they are effective and appropriate for your needs. They will be launched in our store within the next couple of weeks. The products for sale will be the Leg Protectors in the colour Oatmeal with two sizes available: Medium-Wide and Large. These products have minor faults like a thread or part of the elastic has come loose. We will be selling them at half price (£15 excluding VAT).
Update! You can now buy a pair of factory second leg protectors for just £15 (exc. VAT) by clicking here. We would love to hear your feedback if you decide to purchase a pair of factory seconds or a standard pair of leg protectors or arm protectors. You can contact us on 01752 265416, email us at sales@dermatuff.com or leave us a review.