Latest News
- A BIG SUCCESS FOR DERMATUFF & The National Institute of Health Research. 27/06/2020
- Our New Norwegian Distributors and Their Story of How Dermatuff Personally Helped Them 31/03/2020
- Interview with Alan Mcleod 03/10/2019
- #WorldWellbeingWeek 24/06/2019
- #LonelinessAwarenessWeek 20/06/2019
- Wearing protective socks could help avoid skin tears in elderly people 06/03/2019
- Happy Halloween! 31/10/2018
- Exeter Innovation for Science and Technology Event 26/10/2018
- Trick or treat? It’s a treat from us! Enjoy 20% discount off your whole order throughout October 17/10/2018
- Factory Seconds Socks (Leg Protectors), £20 per pair! 03/10/2018
- Daily Mail Article – 25th October 2016 24/07/2018
- Making the checkout process easier for you 22/05/2018
- Factory Second Leg Protectors, Half Price! 11/05/2018
- *Graphic image within* Major Skin Tear caused by 14-month-old girl falling head first against her Nanny’s leg 20/03/2017
- Costly for the NHS but not unusual 03/03/2017
- Our Protective Sleeves can also be called Arm Protectors 24/09/2015
- Skin Tear Protection Evaluation 23/09/2015
- Benefits Of Dermatuff Socks From A Customer 17/03/2015
- Shinpads – Dermatuff – Skin Protection Socks and Sleeves 10/02/2015
- Eliminate Skin Tears in Care Homes 10/02/2015
- Research project nearing completion *update, report now published. 24/11/2014
- CASE STUDY: A compelling story of how Dermatuff socks have helped save the legs of one man who was suffering severe health problems. 07/10/2014
- Daily Mail Article 30th November 2013 06/10/2014
- Daily Mail article 30th Sep 2014 30/09/2014
- A compelling story of how Dermatuff socks have helped save the legs of one man who was suffering severe health problems. 12/09/2014
- SEPTEMBER: Are Dermatuff fragile Skin protectors available on the NHS through prescription? 04/09/2014
- What Is happening to add further proof that DERMATUff really works? 23/08/2014
- How do we know that DERMATUff really works? 23/08/2014
- Download an Order Form & Size Chart 14/05/2014
- Latest Newsletter 18/01/2014
- Are our Socks too hot in hot weather? 03/08/2013
- What Happened the Very Day I Didn’t Wear the Protective Sleeves. By Peter Thornton 19/08/2012
- Worried about how the Skin Tear Protection Socks and Sleeves look and feel? 26/07/2012
- Research Grant Approved 31/05/2012
- Dermatuff Products now on NHS Supply Chain 05/05/2012
- Potential Reduction in NHS Costs that Would be Associated with Preventing Skin Tears through Using Dermatuff Skin Tear Protection Socks 19/03/2012
- DERMATUff VISION 16/10/2011
- DERMATUff’s for Hiking 29/08/2011
- DERMATUff for comfort… 27/07/2011