Academic research papers
Below are links to PDF files of academic research papers/presentations in relation to thin, weak or fragile skin and includes research into prevention and treatment. These research papers may be useful for other researchers, clinicians and any sufferers from thin skin that wish to understand their condition better. You can also find the Dermatuff-related reports below.
Research Papers:
Prevalence of leg ulceration in a London population (PDF)
The Lindsay Leg Club Model: A model for evidence based leg ulcer management (PDF)
Chronic ulceration of the leg: extent of the problem and provision of care (PDF)
Skin Tears by Maureen Benbow – Venous Thromboembolism (PDF)
Best Practice Statement: The Assessment and Management of Skin Tears (PDF)
Skin Tears: A Review of the Evidence to Support Prevention and Treatment (PDF)
Auditing wound prevalence in nursing care homes (PDF)
Skin Tears Consensus Statements – International Panel of Experts (PDF)
Recognised Risk Factors for Skin Tears Patient Characteristics (PDF)
Betty’s story: leg ulcer wound care (PDF)